Want to help fund your unit’s activities for the year? Sell popcorn! Scouts who sell enhance their communication skills and increase their confidence. Check the Council popcorn page for materials to help you sell, and for all the latest news on this year’s campaign. You’ll find worksheets, sales guides, tips for a great campaign, and more.
Why sell popcorn? Some words of wisdom by Trevor S. from Troop 511:
“Would you like to help support Scouting by buying some Gourmet Boy Scout Popcorn?”
Remember that this is a fundraiser to raise money for Scouting America. Let your customers know that 70% of the sale remains in the Austin area supporting the Scouting program. This is a program that has been working for 99 years.
We sell Scouting, not popcorn. You can buy popcorn anywhere.
Where does the money go?
- Council funds go to training, materials, camps, program supplies, professional staff, and making sure we are delivering a safe, quality program.
- Unit funds help to reduce the cost of supplies, recognition and advancement, special events, park meeting and camping fees, refreshments, and fun for our youth.
Some people say “The popcorn is too expensive.”
- It is a fundraising product; it is not expected to compete with an item at a store.
- Our customers should understand that this is a fundraiser and that they want to help.
- 2/3 of the proceeds go directly to Scouting: your unit and our Council.
Learn from selling Scouting
- Scouts learn the value of interacting with neighbors and strangers: look them in the eye, explain what you are raising money for, and ask if they will help support Scouting.
- Learn from rejection and build self-confidence; remember that the customer is not rejecting you.
- Experience setting a goal and achieving it.
- Make the connection that your actions can produce positive consequences: you will be a valuable contributor to your unit and the Council.
- Learn skills that can help you interact with teachers and other adults.
To parents – Why just writing a check won’t work
- Will it be enough? Every $400 in sales brings $140 to your unit and $140 to the Council. $400 in sales is an obtainable goal.
- Your child will miss out on learning a basic life lesson: the more effort you put in…
- Help us help your child learn to be responsible for their program.
Ready? Set? SELL!