Scouting would not exist without the time and talents of our registered adult volunteers. The Armadillo District has three types of awards to recognize these volunteers. We need you to nominate the Scouters who help make the Scouting program a success! Read the requirements for each award and see past recipients at the links below.
These awards will be presented at the Armadillo District Awards Banquet on March 7, 2025 at the Fickett Center.
See the presentation from the 2023 Armadillo District Awards Celebration.
See the pictures from the event on our Facebook page.
Norm Hummell Award of Excellence
This is a district award presented by units. Each unit selects their own Norm Hummell award winner. Named for our District’s long-serving volunteer, this award recognizes registered Scouters who have provided exceptional leadership and service to their Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship and who exemplify the principles of Scouting (Scout Oath and Law).
Armadillo ACE Award
“Always Creating Excellence!” This is a district award. The award recognizes Scouters who have provided exceptional leadership and service to the Armadillo District while being a volunteer dedicated exclusively to the District and/or while being a leader with their Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship.
District Award of Merit
This award recognizes leaders who render service of an outstanding nature to the Armadillo District. Download this PDF and email the nomination to Ben Ford at benford1@att.net.
Armadillo District Lifetime Achievement Awards
There have been four recipients of this special award:
2015 Norm Hummell, Bob Oatman
2024 Susan Kruemcke, Art Williams
Council Awards
There are several awards given at the Council level. Nominations for these awards are due by January 10. See the complete list.