Whether you are a newly-recruited den leader, a committee member, or a veteran scoutmaster, you may have questions about Scouting or about the Armadillo District. A unique situation may come up in your unit and you think, “someone has to have dealt with this before.” When that happens, the person to contact is your Unit Commissioner. A Commissioner is a dedicated volunteer with broad experience in Scouting who is interested in helping you provide a quality program for your unit.
We’ve created a list of our Commissioners with their contact information. All of the people on this list love to talk about Scouting. If they do not know the answer to your question, they know where to find out.
Units with no name listed do not have a commissioner currently assigned. You could fill that role! If you’re interested in serving as a Commissioner, contact the District Commissioner to find out how.
Cub Scout Packs
Pack 2
Pack 7 Michael Bailey
Pack 9
Pack 14 Margarito Aranda
Pack 20 Bruce Anderson
Pack 28
Pack 33 Margarito Aranda
Pack 34 Michael Bailey
Pack 49 Norm Hummell
Pack 55
Pack 59 Stephen Harris
Pack 89 Norm Hummell
Pack 90 Ben Ford
Pack 406 Henry Shoenfelt
Pack 421
Pack 459
Pack 489 Gilbert Perez
Pack 511
Pack 512
Pack 685 Henry Shoenfelt
Pack 711 William Fairchok
Pack 797 Stephen Harris
Scouts BSA Troops
Troop 2
Troop 3
Troop 5 Wayne Courreges
Troop 9
Troop 33 Margarito Aranda
Troop 34 Michael Bailey
Troop 49 Norm Hummell
Troop 50 Wayne Courreges
Troop 89 Norm Hummell
Troop 229 Kuruvila Mani
Troop 408 Carol Fairchok
Troop 410 Susan Kruemcke
Troop 413 Norm Hummell
Troop 421
Troop 489 Gilbert Perez
Troop 508 Carol Fairchok
Troop 511 Bruce Anderson
Troop 685 Martin Oranday
Troop 711 William Fairchok
Troop 797 Stephen Harris
Troop 1407 Norm Hummell
Troop 2019 Susan Kruemcke
Troop 4277 Henry Shoenfelt
Troop 8787 TE Starr
Venturer Crews
Crew 3
Crew 4
Crew 1409 TE Starr
Crew 4277 Henry Shoenfelt
Crew 8787 TE Starr
Sea Scout Ships
Ship 410
Ship 1407