5 Great Things about being an Adult Volunteer in a Cub Scout Pack

It’s always a challenge to recruit new volunteers. Time is the one thing we never seem to have enough of and you may think that volunteering with your child’s Cub Scout Pack is too big a commitment. But did you ever think about what you will get out of the experience?

  1. You will spend more time with your child.
    Your child’s world is broadening at a rapid pace during the elementary years. The more time you spend with them as they gain this awareness, the stronger your relationship with them can be.
  2. You will get to know your child’s friends.
    As your child gets older, their peer group plays a huge influence on their interests, choices, and outlook on life. As a leader, you can play an important role in guiding them and their friends towards becoming young men and women with strong values, an understanding of teamwork, and the desire to explore new opportunities.
  3. You can combine resources with other parents.
    If you combine the resources, skills, and talents of the other parents in your child’s pack, you can provide a wider array of exciting learning opportunities and adventures than any one parent can provide.
  4. You will make a difference in your community.
    The ripple effect of good will that comes from your contributions to Scouting is immeasurable.  “A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a boy.”
  5. Most importantly…It is fun!
    Of course we do this for the boys and girls. But the adults have fun too. Scouting is a game with a purpose. You will know that you are doing your job as a leader if you are having fun. Because that means the Scouts are having fun too.

Contact your Cubmaster or Committee Chair and tell them you’re ready to get involved! There are lots of jobs that help make a Pack go; find the one that is right for you.