
Armadillo roundtable logo

The Armadillo District hosts Roundtable on the second Thursday of each month. All Scout leaders and interested parents are welcome to attend.

Roundtables are held at St Martin’s Lutheran Church, 606 W 15th St, Austin, TX 78701. (Enter on the 16th Street side.) We begin each Roundtable with gathering at 6:30 and program starting at 7:00. In the opening session there are announcements, then we have the main topic or topics for Cub Scout and Scouts BSA volunteers.

NOTE: Future topics are subject to change.

September 12, 2024: Kuruvila Mani explains this year’s Unit Renewal process (formerly known as Recharter).

August 8, 2024: Interested in being a Merit Badge Counselor? Mike Ryan tells you how to qualify and where to get training.

Material from Past Roundtables